Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez a infiintat o clinica in New York
Impreuna cu asociatul sau, dr. Linda Isaacs, a inceput sa trateze pacientii cu cancer cu “terapia Kelley”. Rezultatele au fost impresionante. Una dintre povestile sale de succes remarcabile include o femeie diagnosticata cu cancer de san inflamator, forma cea mai agresiva. A fost condamnat la moarte sigura. Astazi, 23 de ani mai tarziu, femeia traieste bine mersi: “Iata o femeie careia i-au fost date sase luni pentru a trai si care dezvoltase deja metastaze, dar care, urmand tratamentul Kelley, 23 de ani mai tarziu, ea se bucura de viata. Am putea vedea ca abordarea Kelley a lucrat cu adevarat.”
http://www.almeea.ro/tratamentul-naturist-impotriva-cancerului-al-dr-gonzalez-creste-de-zeci-de-ori-supravietuirea-bolnavilor-sistemul-medical-actual-vrea-sa-l-interzica/Interviu cu Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: The Quest For The Cures
De asemenea cateva rezumate ale unor prezentari sustinute de persoane care s-au confruntat cu cancere si le-au vindecat:
Feriti-va de laptele pasteurizat din magazine, caci acesta va imbolnaveste grav!
Un studiu al Universitatii Harvard arata ca laptele pasteurizat, produs in fabricile de procesare a laptelui, cauzeaza cancere hormonale, scrie site-ul Alliance for Natural Health. Vinovata de aceasta descoperire socanta o reprezinta alimentatia cu nutreturi concentrate a vacilor din ferme, care face ca laptele sa contina niveluri periculoase de estron sulfat, un compus estrogen legat de cancerele testiculare, de prostata si de sani.http://www.almeea.ro/feriti-va-de-laptele-pasteurizat-din-magazine-caci-acesta-va-imbolnaveste-grav/
Turmericul (Curcuma longa) este un remediu terapeutic in Stiinta vietii: Ayurveda
Along with eating leafy green and yellow vegetables, one simple way to get the bitter taste into your diet is to add a pinch of fenugreek seeds (according to taste preferences) – after first sautéing them in a little ghee or oil – to cooking vegetables, a stew, or a bean or meat dish.Similarly, the golden yellow root spice turmeric (known scientifically as Curcuma longa) is considered to be both bitter and astringent in the Ayurvedic system. Originally native to India and Indonesia, turmeric is used in India not only as a spice, but also as a therapeutic agent. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits of turmeric have been exploited by Ayurvedic practitioners for thousands of years.
According to Ayurveda’s ancient healing traditions, turmeric helps to:
- Maintain healthy levels of gut bacteria
- Disinfect cuts, burns, and wounds
- Detox the liver and increase the flow of bile, which is necessary for breaking down dietary fats during digestion
- Manage blood sugar within safe levels
- Lower inflammation levels
How to Source and Consume Turmeric
Either fresh or dried turmeric can be used in the diet. For instance, fresh turmeric can be used in sautés and smoothies, while ground (powdered) turmeric can be conveniently added to any foods, including roasted vegetables, stews, and curries. As a general rule of thumb, one inch of fresh turmeric is equivalent to a tablespoon of freshly grated turmeric or a teaspoon of ground turmeric.Fresh turmeric rhizomes or roots look very much like ginger roots and can usually be found in Asian and Indian grocery stores. Fresh roots should be firm to the touch while their bright orange flesh – after peeling – is typically earthy, peppery, and slightly bitter in taste.
Like ginger, fresh turmeric can be cut and chopped into any shape, grated, or juiced. It can be stored in the refrigerator in a plastic bag or airtight container for a couple of weeks, or frozen for several months at a time.
Dried turmeric loses some of its essential oils and pungency. However, it can still provide plenty of warmth and color to food. It’s bright yellow orange color is the reason Indian and South Asian curries (not to mention mustard), are all yellow in color. Asian stores and specialty spice shops will typically have fresher and better quality stocks. Dried turmeric can be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark place for up to a year.
Two Simple Ayurvedic Diet Tips for Healthy Eating
In closing, here are two simple Ayurvedic diet tips that you may wish to employ in your own eating plan or style:- Eating for your inner agni (flame) – a cardinal rule in Ayurveda. You should eat at all times according to the status of your inner agni. If you’re not hungry, there is no compulsion to eat simply because it is your regular mealtime. Also, the quality, quantity, and frequency of your eating habits can be varied to suit your inner rhythms, which is a matter of trusting your instincts.
- Eating for the season – Simply put, Ayurveda advises to eat warming foods in winter, and cooling foods in the summer and fall. All animal species know how to eat according to the season. Ayurveda, having studied this inborn intelligence found in Nature, has written down these eating laws for your convenience and health.