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joi, 26 martie 2015

Artemisinin - un extras natural uimitor care in amestec cu Fe ucide 98 la suta din celulele canceroase în doar 16 ore

Cercetari din 2005 au aratat ca o planta chinezeasca Artemisia annua a distrus 98% din
celulele canceroase in doar 16 ore.

S-a scris mult despre stilul nostru de viata, mai sanatos sau mai putin sanatos, despre consumul in exces de alimente procesate, despre carnea de slaba calitate, injectata cu diversi hormoni, pe care noi o consumam, despre poluare, precum si despre factorii de mediu, care contribuie la aparitia acestei boli.
Companiile farmaceutice, precum si comunitatea medicala, nici macar nu vor sa auda de anumite plante naturale care pot ajuta la procesul de vindecare. Bineinteles ca nu au nici un interes.

Rezultatele cercetarilor au fost publicate in Life Sciences:
, vol.76, no.11, pp.1267-1279, 2005
si au implicat studierea unui extract dintr-o planta utilizata in mod obisnuit in medicina chineza, ce poarta numele popular de "pelin dulce", denumirea ei stiintifica fiind "Artemisia annua", extractul fiind "Artemisinin".
In  momentul in care se combina cu fier (Fe), cercetatorii au descoperit ca, in decurs de 16 ore, 98% din celulele canceroase sunt ucise. A fost utilizata pe toate tipurile de cancer.
 Artemisinin a fost folosit in trecut ca un tratament puternic anti-malarie, dar acest studiu din Life Sciences s-a axat in special pe actiunea ei impotriva cancerului.
Amestecarea cu Fe (Fe biologic, cum ar fi in Spirulina, Clorella, algele AFA, urzici...) pare a fi punctul cheie, pentru ca atunci cand Artemisinin a fost utilizat in mod izolat a existat doar o reducere cu 28% a celulelor canceroase. Asa ca, atunci cand pacientiilor din acest studiu, li s-a administrat un supliment de Fe (care de multe ori se acumuleaza in tesutul mamar, dar mai ales atat in celule canceroase), Artemisinin a fost efectiv capabil sa tinteasca celulele "rele" si sa lase celulele "bune" in siguranta. Raportul a concluzionat ca "In general, rezultatele noastre arata ca Artemisinin opreste factorul de transcriere E2F1 si intervine in distrugerea celulelor canceroase...".

Rezumatul original al articolului din Life Sciences:
Effects of artemisinin-tagged holotransferrin on cancer cells

Artemisinin reacts with iron to form free radicals that kill cells. Since cancer cells uptake relatively large amount of iron than normal cells, they are more susceptible to the toxic effect of artemisinin. In previous research, we have shown that artemisinin is more toxic to cancer cells than to normal cells. In the present research, we covalently attached artemisinin to the iron-carrying plasma glycoprotein transferrin. Transferrin is transported into cells via receptor-mediated endocytosis and cancer cells express significantly more transferrin receptors on their cell surface and endocytose more transferrin than normal cells. Thus, we hypothesize that by tagging artemisinin to transferrin, both iron and artemisinin would be transported into cancer cells in one package. Once inside a cell, iron is released and can readily react with artemisinin close by tagged to the transferrin. This would enhance the toxicity and selectivity of artemisinin towards cancer cells. In this paper, we describe a method to synthesize such a compound in which transferrin was conjugated with an analog of artemisinin artelinic acid via the N-glycoside chains on the C-domain. The resulting conjugate (‘tagged-compound’) was characterized by MALDI-MS, UV/Vis spectroscopy, chemiluminescence, and HPLC. We then tested the compound on a human leukemia cell line (Molt-4) and normal human lymphocytes. We found that holotransferrin-tagged artemisinin, when compared with artemisinin, was very potent and selective in killing cancer cells. Thus, this ‘tagged-compound’ could potentially be developed into an effective chemotherapeutic agent for cancer treatment.

Popularizarea a fost publicata pe 8 februarie 2005 in:

Un video detaliaza cele mentionate prin Len Saputo:
Artemisinin: A Cancer Smart Bomb

Exista un site unde poate fi comandat Artemisinin:

Artemisinin is not found in Wormwood (Artemisia absynthium) but is found in Sweet Wormwood (Artemisia annua).
Explicatii suplimentare:
Wormwood is a Chinese herb that is thousands of years old that has applications for malaria and cancer treatment. It is safe, easy to use, affordable, and has great promise in the treatment of cancer. Cancer cells and bacteria accumulate iron far more than normal cells. Artemisinin works in the presence of iron to create free radicals that kill cells that hoard iron. Leukemia cells concentrate iron 1000 times normal lymphocytes and breast cancer concentrates iron 15 times a normal breast cell.
There are three forms of wormwood extract: artemisinin, artsunate, and artemether.
It can be given either orally or by rectal suppository and should be pulsed with several days on and several off if taken by mouth because of intestinal tolerance.
It is non-toxic and has been used on over 4000 patients without problems.
Its major use is in treating falciparum malaria. For more information about Cancer and treatment options please visit

I take that two months  and my health is perfect !!! Very good product with most strong herb in the world!"

Pana gasiti planta mentionata se pot incerca speciile de pelin (alb si negru) din flora noastra. De regula speciile inrudite au si compusi chimici asemanatori! Un prim indiciu ar fi acela referitor la pelinul nostru in tratamentul malariei (frigurilor din fitoterapia populara).