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marți, 24 septembrie 2019

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Potrivit cercetătorilor de la University of Southern California, abţinerea de la alimente timp de minim trei zile poate regenera întregul sistem imunitar, iar acest fenomen are loc chiar şi pentru persoanele în vârstă...Cercetătorii sunt de părere că abţinerea de la alimentaţie ajută celulele stem ale corpului să înceapă să producă noi globule albe în sânge (care ajută la combaterea infecţiei în organism).
„Lipsa alimentaţiei dă semnalul celulelor stem să înceapă să prolifereze şi să reconstruiască întregul sistem”, a declarat, pentru The Telegraph, Prof. Valter Longo, profesor de gerontologie şi ştiinţe biologice de la University of Southern California.
Textul complet este aici:

sâmbătă, 21 septembrie 2019


Miracolul telomerilor - Elizabeth Blackburn, Elissa Epel, editura Lifestyle    
V-ati intrebat vreodata de ce unele persoane de saizeci de ani arata si se simt ca unele de patruzeci si vice-versa? Pe langa ceilalti factori cunoscuti care afecteaza imbatranirea si imbolnavirea, dr. Elizabeth Blackburn a descoperit telomeraza, enzima care hraneste si intregeste telomerii, protectorii mostenirii noastre genetice. Lungimea si sanatatea telomerilor sunt esentiale pentru sanatatea si longevitatea organismului uman.

Cartea ne arata ca exercitiile fizice, calitatea somnului, alimentatia si chiar anumite substante chimice ne afecteaza profund telomerii si ca stresul cronic, gandurile negative, relatiile tensionate si chiar mediul social in care traim au efecte negative asupra acestora. Inspirandu-se din ultimele cercetari stiintifice, autoarele prezinta liste de alimente sanatoase pentru telomeri, propun tipuri de exercitii fizice si mentale prin care sa ne protejam de stres si informatii despre cum sa ne protejam copiii astfel incat acestia sa nu dezvolte telomeri scurti. Este prima carte care explica modul in care imbatranim la nivel celular si cum putem sa ne pastram sanatatea cromozomilor si a celulelor prin schimbari simple ale stilului de viata.

miercuri, 18 septembrie 2019

Cartea in format electronic cu transcriptul interviurilor de la simpozionul 5G Crisis Summit 2019 USA si alte bonusuri pentru sanatatea dvs.

5G Crisis Summit Interview Transcripts Free eBook (PDF) 
With so much information in these expert interviews, many find it hard to take notes fast enough — and the technical terms that are often used?! Fortunately, you can download this PDF version of the talk transcripts. This 811-page book is the literal transcription of the conversation with each expert, for every talk in the event schedule.
from Gregory Damato, PhD SuperHero 5-Day Raw Food Challenge eGuide 
Dr. Damato shares 15 years of experience in this practical eGuide. Learn the art of live food nutrition in this 5-day raw challenge that includes a shopping list and daily guides for sungazing, yoga, meditation, journaling, herbal preparation and more!
from The 5G Summit Interview with Jack Kruse, “Quantum Biophysics & EMF” 
This in-person interview with Dr. Jack Kruse goes deeply into the application of quantum bio-physics and nnEMF, which looks at quantum treatments and theories of biomolecules and biophysical systems in general at the the quantum level. Dr. Jack Kruse is a respected neurosurgeon and CEO of Optimized Life, a health and wellness company dedicated to helping patients avoid the healthcare burdens we typically encounter as we age.
from The 5G Summit Interview with Satyen Raja, “Being a Warrior Sage: Next-level Activism” 
Satyen Raja is known as the private transformational mentor, advisor and confidant to the powerful and influential. A remarkable living synthesis of eastern wisdom and western practicality, Satyen combines the power of the warrior and wisdom of the sage to inspire audiences and leaders worldwide into their highest impact and personal fulfillment. You’ll learn more about being a “warrior sage” in this incredible interview, which you can then apply to next-level activism and reality transurfing.
from Paul Seils' Presentation At The Stop 5G Symposium A $37 value!
Dive into this exclusive, in-depth presentation from Paul Seils as he discusses the applications of 5G technology.
from The Truth About Cancer Herbal Medicines and Natural Healing Methods eBundle 
Improve your current health and discover ways to increase your vitality for the rest of your life with these 2 eBook, A Guide to Understand Herbal Medicines and Work With Your Doctor.
from Jason Bawden-Smith In the Dark eBook 
Environmental scientist, Jason Bawden-Smith, explains how daily habits contribute to symptoms such as headaches, ringing in the ears, weight gain and lack of energy. He’ll share simple and practical steps that create positive changes without compromising your lifestyle!
from Olga Sheean The Alphabet of Powerful Existence eBook
This inspiring DIY guide will help you reclaim your autonomy, humanity and creativity. Learn how to turn challenges into breakthroughs, boost your self-worth, create boundaries, transform your reality and so much more!
from Josh del Sol Take Back Your Power: Investigating The “Smart” Grid Documentary Film (2013, Original Cut) 
This award-winning documentary uncovers the shocking story behind the multi-billion dollar rollout of “smart” utility meters. Examine evidence of in-home privacy invasions, systemic over-billing, extortion, health and environmental harm, and more. What you’ll discover will surprise, unsettle and ultimately empower you!

miercuri, 11 septembrie 2019

Resurse informationale valoroase

Johanna Budwig a creat un remediu împotriva cancerului din două ingrediente simple! Dar guvernul i-a impus să tacă

Amarantul a fost numit de unii cercetători planta ideală a secolului XXI

Cadouri de la
7 Essential Ways to Make Your Home Safe from 5G and EMF Radiation

7 Essential Ways to Make Your Home Safe from 5G and EMF Radiation from Josh del Sol

Access Your Free Gift
Josh shares the BEST solutions for vibrant health and reducing EMF exposure risks in this concise, 19-page eBook.
Nature’s Pharmacy: Evidence-Based Alternatives to Drugs

Nature’s Pharmacy: Evidence-Based Alternatives to Drugs from GreenMedInfo

Access Your Free Gift
This amazing, 505-page eBook dares to suggest that foods and herbs just might be the first-line of defense for health, instead of modern medications — it’s a vital and necessary addition to your virtual (and natural) medicine cabinet that typically retails for $39.95, but can be acquired for FREE today!
5G Risk: The Scientific Perspective eBook

5G Risk: The Scientific Perspective eBook from Martin Pall, PhD

Access Your Free Gift
This 127-page eBook is a powerful summary of the science that telecoms don’t want us to know, because it scientifically demonstrates, beyond any reasonable doubt, the biologically harmful effect of 5G deployments and wireless radiation in general. Includes citations to 139 scientific research papers.

Enjoy these BONUS gifts from our VIPs!

By clicking the buttons below you’re allowing us to share your email address with the Sponsor providing that gift.
Let’s “Talk” About EMF & 5G eBook

Let’s “Talk” About EMF & 5G eBook from HealthMeans

Enjoy reading these 3 expert talk transcripts pulled from the 1000s of talks in our HealthMeans library! In this 37-page document, learn about “EMF, 5G Cell Towers,
Geoengineering and Retroviruses” with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, “A Danger We Can’t See” with Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman, and “The Connection Between Headaches and Chronic Disease” with Dr. Jay Davidson!
Slash Your Risk of Chronic Disease and Infections eBook

Slash Your Risk of Chronic Disease and Infections eBook from NaturalHealth365

Discover some of the most effective ways to prevent and reverse chronic diseases in this informative eBook.
In the LymeLight: My Healing Journey eBook

In the LymeLight: My Healing Journey eBook from Erin Elizabeth

Discover Elizabeth’s protocol and learn how she overcame Lyme disease (and other health challenges).
Stress Solutions eBook

Stress Solutions eBook from Evan Brand, CFMP, NTP

Evan discusses how he overcame being burned out from stress and his journey to recovery. You’ll learn how to implement proper diet modifications, lifestyle strategies and supplement protocols. You’ll also receive insight into how to use adaptogenic herbs, float tanks and essential oils to manage stress, inflammation, parasite infections, candida and more!
Autoimmune Secrets eBundle

Autoimmune Secrets eBundle from Jonathan Otto

Discover the truth about healing in this amazing docuseries. Access interviews and transcripts from doctors, scientists and survivors of thyroid disease, lupus, autoimmune disease, Lyme, Alzheimer’s, dementia and many more complex health challenges!
5 Simple Ways to Protect Yourself from Cell Phone Radiation

5 Simple Ways to Protect Yourself from Cell Phone Radiation from Lloyd Burrell

It took Lloyd nearly 10 years to understand the science, what was happening to his body and learn how to deal with EMFs. There are concrete and practical steps to safeguard your health and protect yourself from EMFs, which he is here to share.
Mama Z's Kitchen Makeover eGuide

Mama Z's Kitchen Makeover eGuide from Eric Zielinski, DC

This 81-page eGuide shares easy, affordable tips to make the switch to a healthier, happier home. You’ll also receive a variety of printables including the No-Microwave Survival Guide, Dirty 10 Chemicals Wallet Card, Healthy Air & Water Guide and so much more!
The Power of Meditation eBook

The Power of Meditation eBook from Wen Li

The goal of meditation isn’t to control your thoughts, it’s to stop letting them control you. Learn how to shift your thinking and approach your life in a positive and productive manner!
Everyday Things That Can Damage Your Brain eGuide

Everyday Things That Can Damage Your Brain eGuide from Tom O’Bryan, DC

Learn how making small, simple changes in your daily life can help you reap enormous brain health benefits for long-term success!
3 Ways to Use Your Phone without Zapping Your Health eReport

3 Ways to Use Your Phone without Zapping Your Health eReport from Nicolas Pineault

Did you know that cell phone radiation has been scientifically linked with brain cancer, “leaky brain,” depression, anxiety, premature aging, insomnia and infertility? Learn how to make your phone safe again!
Toxins & EMFs eTranscript

Toxins & EMFs eTranscript from Live Longer, Feel Better

You’ll receive the eTranscript PLUS a link to watch the complete first episode of the Live Longer, Feel Better docuseries featuring information on the effects of EMFs.

Enjoy your introductory expert talks!

Bookmark this page in your browser so you can return to it at any time.

Science on 5G and Wireless Radiation from Devra Lee Davis, PhD, MPH

In this free video, learn:
  • Science the industry doesn't want you to know
  • Impact of millimeter waves on your health
  • Exposing the industry playbook

5G: The Agenda for Total Control from Patrick Wood

In this free video, learn:
  • Connection between 5G and the "Technocracy" 
  • Economy based on energy consumption and surveillance?
  • The "social credit" policy (and other dangerous agendas)

Dangers of 5G to Children’s Health from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

In this free video, learn:
  • 5G satellite insanity
  • Industry lobbying and captured agencies
  • Violations of human rights and informed consent

5 Most Critical Areas of Harm (Part 2) from Martin Pall, PhD

In this free video, learn:
  • Most startling ways 5G damages your health​
  • High urgency to solve this meta-problem
  • Possible role of EMFs in wildfire ignition



luni, 2 septembrie 2019

Ministrul Sănătății, Sorina Pintea, spune că "LIBERUL ARBITRU nu ar trebui să funcționeze!!!"

Adica, voi nu trebuie sa aveti posibilitatea de a alege pentru sanatatea voastra un alt tratament decat cel indicat oficial.
TRADUC: nu trebuie sa puneti la indoiala profiturile industriei medico-farmaceutice. Oile trebuie sa mearga docile in directia indicata: la ingrasat, la reproducere, la muls, la tuns, la abator. La vot?
Da, inainte de abator.

Acest film se adresează în special celor mai puțin informați, scepticilor și manipulaților:
Dacă nici după ce veți urmări acest material, nu vă veți deștepta, atunci este peste puterea omenească, doar Dumnezeu Bunul vă mai poate lumina. Nu vreau să se înțeleagă că vrem să manipulăm oamenii. Discerneti.
Doamna Dr. Ofelia Lugojan despre modificarea genomului uman prin vaccinare:
Doamna Dr.Christa Todea Gross despre legăturile de cauzalitate dintre vaccinuri și multitudinea de boli, care apar imediat după vaccinare SAU IN ANII URMĂTORI, fără ca omul să-și mai dea seama ce anume i-a cauzat boala.
Autism , cancer , diabet , scleroză în plăci , alergii multiple , dermatita atopică , dereglări hormonale , distrofia lobilor pre-frontali , moarte subită la sugari sunt doar câteva dintre bolile provocate de otrăvurile și chimicalele din VACCINURILE DIN ZIUA DE AZI (nu le mai comparați pe acestea cu cele din trecut , nici ca număr , nici ca si conținut).
In lista OFICIALĂ 2017 a CDC (centrul pentru controlul bolilor din SUA) privind componența vaccinurilor actuale regăsim pe lângă mercur , aluminiu , formaldehida și EXTRACTE DIN FETUȘI UMANI AVORTAȚI, EXTRACTE DIN RINICHI DE MAIMUȚĂ AFRICANĂ , parcă se știe predispoziția maimuțelor la a se împerechea cu același sex...
1. ***…/dezvaluire-socanta-adjuvantii-vac…/
2. ***"…/
Ca să înțelegeți mai bine de ce se dorește atât de mult vaccinarea obligatorie , cât și legiferarea "drepturilor" LGBTQ+, ambele pe repede înainte și care sunt legăturile, vedeți ce spune acest cercetător:…/cercetator-italian-fiecare-vaccinar…
Sigur , în teorie omul are dreptate când spune că nu judecă homosexualii și e normal , dacă boala lor este indusă , dar asta nu înseamnă că un bolnav nu trebuie vindecat , îndreptat , așa că nu-i răstălmăciți vorbele acestui om.