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luni, 2 septembrie 2013

Medicina celulara-o solutie curajoasa la problema cancerului

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"This week, we report on how a hospital in Ohio in the United States is trying to force a 10-year-old Amish girl with leukemia to resume chemotherapy after her parents had decided to stop the treatments. Whilst the young girl’s parents had initially permitted her to be subjected to chemotherapy treatment, they subsequently stopped it saying its effects on her were terrible and that they were instead now going to rely on natural approaches such as vitamins. In this respect, we are here reminded of the experiences of young Dominik Feld between 2002 and 2004. Tragically, the fight between an outmoded and inhuman form of treatment – chemotherapy – and a breakthrough treatment with no side effects – the Cellular Medicine approach to cancer – accompanied Dominik to his untimely death. Clearly, therefore, whilst Victory Over Cancer and a Cancer Free World are already now possible, for the time being the people of the world will have to continue to fight to make them a reality."

"Cellular Medicine is based on the principle that health is determined at the level of millions of cells making up the human body. Dr. Rath’s research, which started more than two decades ago and is being continually confirmed by researchers worldwide, is based on a very simple concept: If your cells aren’t healthy, neither are you. Daily supplies of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other essential nutrients assure the optimum functioning of your cells and your whole body.
The Principles of Cellular Medicine define cellular energy metabolism and optimum connective tissue stability as the basis of good health.
Essential bio-energy nutrients are required for maintaining the cellular energy metabolism. These carriers of bio-energy, or catalysts in the form of specific vitamins, amino acids, minerals and other nutrients, are essential for a multitude of biochemical reactions inside all cells, including the heart muscle cells. The heart is the hardest working organ in the body; therefore, an optimum supply is essential to support its pumping function. The most frequent consequences of chronic deficiency of bio-energy carrier’s are irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) and heart failure.
Approximately one half of the body's proteins are composed of collagen, elastin and other connective tissue molecules. Collagen stability is very important for the healthy functioning of soft tissues in the body. These tissues build our blood vessels, skin, cartilage, and our body’s organs. Optimum connective tissue strength in soft tissues is important for optimum health of these organs. The production of connective tissue is regulated mainly by vitamin C and the amino acids lysine and proline. The human body cannot produce vitamin C nor lysine and deficiencies of these nutrients are likely. Collagen stability is also very important for the healthy functioning of bones and teeth. Collagen provides the bone framework in which calcium and other minerals are deposited.
Optimum intake of vitamin C, lysine and proline; the introduction of essential minerals (such as calcium and magnesium) and intake of various trace elements all support healthy bones and teeth. All these nutrients have to work in synergy and have to be combined in the correct ratio in order to achieve an optimal biological effect."